As has been the case for most of the season, the people behind The Flash don't seem to really know what they wanted to do with this episode. They also don't seem to know what they want to do with the rest of the season.
There have been some bad episodes this season and there have been some boring episodes in this eighth season of The Flash but the latest installment is easily the most disjointed of this year. At least part of the odd mess of the show appeared to have been trying to tell too many stories all at once and maybe even realizing to some degree that none of the stories were all that compelling all on their own.
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It also feels as though the people behind The Flash understand that they might have had the team face a few too many threats from a few too many directions already this year. Most of the time, the series has a formula it sticks to that is relatively dependable in that it has a few baddies that are lower level and can cause a bit of a problem for a few minutes per episode. They are basically just there to show that The Flash is powerful enough to take on these kinds of run-of-the-mill bad guys and that is then supposed to make the bigger villains like Despero that much more impressive because Barry Allen can't just dispatch them by running really fast.
The problem is that this season of The Flash has gone to the «big bad» well just a little too often. With a handful of episodes left this season, the team has already fought off a couple of these super-powerful villains and even seen one of their own die in the process. So now the show has to come up with something else to put everyone in danger and it doesn't appear as though the writers have figured out just how