The Boys have continued to parody Marvel’s Captain America by having Soldier Boy deliver an anti-drug public service announcement. Set to be played by Supernatural starJensen Ackles, Soldier Boy is due to join the show’s lineup of corrupt and debaucherous Supes, led by Anthony Starr’s Homelander. Soldier Boy is intended to be a parody of Marvel’s Steve Rogers (aka Captain America) and is a superhero from World War II who is brought out of retirement for reasons yet to be revealed. He has previously been described as the “Homelander before Homelander.” Instead of being portrayed as innocent, much as his character is depicted in the original comics, the show’s version will see Soldier Boy embody many of the worst traits fans have come to expect from Vought’s depraved collection of superheroes.
Throughout 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming, Marvel actor Chris Evans reprised his role as Steve Rogers for a series of small cameo appearances. These cameos took the form of several awkward public service announcements played for the students of Peter Parker’s (Tom Holland) school, Midtown High. So memorable are these public service announcements from the film that they also went on to inspire a slew of popular internet memes. Now, The Boys has weighed in with their own.
Related: The Boys: Why Starlight Is The Biggest Threat To Vought
Most recently The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke has taken to Twitter to share a video of Ackles’ Soldier Boy delivering his own public service announcement with an anti-drug message. Reminiscent of the “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign of the 1980s, the clip also features both branding and VHS video quality reminiscent of the era. Check out Kripke’s post and the video below:
4 DAYS. First three eps drop