The Pokémon franchise has touched the lives of millions of gamers. The original games were unlike anything else on the market, creating a whole new genre of games focused on collecting and battling a swath of unique and interesting creatures. The main series games have undergone numerous graphical updates, introduced and removed new gameplay mechanics, and introduced hundreds of brand new Pokémon to the different regions. They’ve been an inspiration to dozens of other developers to create similar games, but even fans have tried their hand at creating their own fan games.
Pokémon fans all love the series for different reasons and have expressed that passion by creating fan games that pay tribute to the series. They can also be an attempt to create new experiences using brand-new features and mechanics, or simply shaking up the core formula. They can do this by either modifying existing Pokémon titles or creating brand-new ones from the ground up.
Some of these games are considered just as good, or possibly better than the official games. Here are the best Pokémon fan games for anyone looking for a fresh spin on this classic series or looking for something different than the latest Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Note: Pokémon fan games are not officially approved by Nintendo and therefore within their legal rights to take down. Fan games that use copyrighted material, such as Pokémon, cannot be sold or used to make any profit. If you are looking for more information on how to find, download, or even make your own ROM hacks, check out the resources found in PokeCommunity. PokemonRomHacks also has plenty of guides and tutorials to help you get started downloading and running emulators. A great resource for finding and downloading other Pokémon ROMS is PokémonLog.
Have you ever wondered what a Pikachu and Charmander would look like if they fused together? What about a Magikarp and an Onyx? Whatever kind of Pokémon Frankenstein you want to make, Pokém