Tarsier Studios, the masterminds behind the popular franchise Little Nightmares, has announced their latest project. Named REANIMAL, players will get to go on a single-player or co-op journey where they get to control a brother and sister on their voyage through hell. On this journey, you are tasked with rescuing your missing friends and escaping the horrors of the island you used to live on.
You have to work together in this fantastical horror adventure game to cooperate as you leave the island and traverse deeper into a dark and twisted world. You have to explore a fragmented island, solve puzzles, and be as stealthy as possible while exploring undiscovered areas and hiding from horrifying foes who are out to hurt you.
REANIMAL will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Depending on your play style, you can play this game singleplayer, co-op online multiplayer, or couch co-op.
This brand-new title will have a strong focus on tension and atmosphere, similar to the way that the Little Nightmares franchise did. This time, you play as two orphans desperately holding out hope as they search for redemption in the darkest and most dire circumstances possible.
The island has a lot to offer, giving you the option to explore the island either on foot or by rowing a boat around the vicinity. While there is the main story to complete and the main puzzles to solve, REANIMAL allows players to branch off and complete side content.
As with all Tarsier Studios games, the art style is stunning and helps the horror to seep into your core, especially with the creation of brand-new horrifying creatures and iconic characters to get to know and love (or hate) throughout the game, as seen in the trailer revealed during Gamescom's Opening Night Live.
If you play the game in co-op, your characters share the camera. While this is a rather unique method for horror, it allows you to "share the scares" and not
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