New merchandise available through the store could easily prove to be major collectibles, to the point that actually buying any of these items is a true test of speed. The Pokémon Center shop is constantly releasing new lines of products, appealing to both casual fans and dedicated collectors alike. However, as with any popular franchise, it is a fact that the demand for an item can sometimes far outstrip supply, perfectly demonstrating how ’s popularity can be a double-edged sword.
It isn't unusual for merchandise to go out of stock over time. Simply due to the popularity of the franchise, certain products can and will become unavailable, at times very rapidly. Furthermore, the restocking of a sold-out Pokémon product can garner just as much attention as the original release, but items tied to a specific time of year or seasonal event (for example, the recent 2024 Pokéween collection) are far less likely to see such a revival. Naturally, this in turn can both heighten demand for such items and limit their supply even further.
To commemorate this being the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese calendar, a new range of Dragon-type Pokémon pins are currently being released on a monthly basis. Each month brings with it a new pin design, with a total of twelve being planned for release. However, the newest of these, a Baxcalibur pin, is already sold out on the website, as are all of its predecessors. With it selling out the same day that it released, September 13 2024,it seems likely that the remaining pins in this line will follow the same trend.
In order of release, the Year of the Dragon Pokémon pins have featured the following Pokémon: Garchomp, Dragapult, Dragonite, Flygon, Altaria, Goodra, Hydreigon and Baxcalibur.
The fact that every one of these pins has sold out so quickly is notable, even by the standards of merchandise. It is clear that they have become major collectors items, presumably as a combination of the featured Pokémon appealing to buyers in addition to