Unsure what Hero Talents to play for Survival Hunter in The War Within? Our Beast Mastery Writer, DoolB, pits both Hero Talent against each other in a variety categories to determine which reigns supreme for the content you're looking to do in the upcoming expansion. Join us as we explore The War Within Survival Hunter!
With a new expansion comes a brand new system—for the War Within each spec is getting access to two «Hero Talent Trees» that they can freely swap between at any time. These Hero Talent Trees are meant to evoke important and Warcraft-exclusive fantasy archetypes. In our case, these trees are Pack Leader (shoutout to Rexxar!) and Sentinel, a Darnassian military branch. This system is reported as being an evergreen feature, so you can expect to grow more familiar with these Hero Talent trees over the next few years.
During this article we'll briefly go over what you can expect to see on either tree, each tree's strengths and weaknesses, and what sort of improvements could be made for each tree. Finally, we'll discuss what sort of gameplay you'll have overall as a Survival Hunter and help you decide to play our beloved spec!
As mentioned above, as a Survival Hunter you have access to two Hero talent trees: Pack Leader and Sentinel.
Pack Leader focuses more on the dynamics of you and your pet fighting in a deadly