Star Wars: Visions, the creative animated anthology of stories told by a number of talented Japanese anime studios, has finally gotten confirmation of a second season. But this time, it looks like it's casting its net even wider.
After providing some of the most inventive takes on the Star Wars franchise in recent years, it looks like Visions is already gearing up for its second go. While the recent rumor that Star Wars: Visions season 2 would launch in 2022 has turned out to be false, the other part suggesting that the studios were already hard at work on the follow-up appears to be more accurate. The real surprise, however, is who's taking part in the fun this time around.
7 Anime To Check Out From The Studios Behind Star Wars: Visions
It appears that, along with news that season 2 of Star Wars: Visions is already in the works, the animation studios involved will go beyond just Japan for the new batch of stories. There doesn't appear to be a fully comprehensive list of territories, but according to reports, the next season will feature animation studios from Spain, the U.S., South Africa, the U.K., Chile, India, and France. Others have hinted that Ireland will be included as well. Any anime fans out there shouldn't worry, though. Japan will still get some representation in Star Wars: Visions season 2.
Season 1 of Star Wars: Visions offered some truly inventive variations on the Star Wars universe. Straightforward yet well-told stories like «The Ninth Jedi» and «The Village Bride» shone just as bright alongside stylized spectacles like «The Duel» and «The Twins,» offering audiences tons of variety in just 9 relatively short episodes. Many have suggested that some of the shorts from Star Wars: Visions should get their own