We review Splito, a quick playing card game published by 25th Century Games. In Splito, you are building tableaus with each of your neighbors trying to score the most points.
The newest import to hit our table from publisher 25th Century Games is Splito. It’s a quick playing filler game that will have you playing cards to a shared area with your neighbors. Think Sushi Go meets Between Two Cities. Does it have staying power despite its simplicity? Let’s find out.
Splito is a card game for 2-8 players that takes about 15 minutes to play. Splito plays well at all player counts but is best at the higher end of that range.
To start the game, each player is dealt a hand of 13 cards. These will be a mixture of Number Cards or Objective cards. Each round, you must play 1 card to the tableau on either your left or right (that you share with your neighbor). After selecting and revealing your chosen card (everyone does this simultaneously), you pass your hand to the left and repeat the process. At the end of the 13 rounds, the objectives are all checked to see if they were fulfilled. A player’s score is multiplied by the scoring area on their left and their right. The highest score wins.
Yes, the game is just that simple. Select a card, play a card, and hopefully don’t screw up. Splito works because of both its simplicity and its tactical decision-making. Unlike some other games in this genre, you don’t play cards to both piles each turn, but must select where you want to play. This can lead to some interesting table talk (“How about you play a card here every now and then?”) as you don’t want one of your score piles to fall too far behind.
Yet in the same vein, you are also not allowed to talk about your hand, so you can’t tell
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