Silent Hill 2, a remake of the iconic 2001 PS2 survival horror game, takes players on a journey as the main protagonist, James Sunderland. Venture through the mostly deserted town of Silent Hill, a place filled with memories of his late wife Mary, as he comes to terms with these memories while encountering monsters and a cast of characters. The remake launches on PS5 October 8.
I recently had the opportunity to play the highly-anticipated remake. Join me for a chilling recap that stretches from the opening scene to the imposing boss encounter with Red Pyramid Thing (a.k.a. Pyramid Head).
The game begins with James recollecting the content of the letter he received from his deceased wife in the dimly lit public restroom of the observation deck at the outskirts of Silent Hill. Back in 2001, the level of dirt and detritus in this bathroom was a high-watermark for realistic, atmospheric visuals in games.
At first glance, I noticed that although the public restroom was almost proportionally identical to the original, it looked more detailed and realistic, with graffiti and scribbles on the walls, dirty floors, and a filthy toilet bowl. This instilled eeriness as if to foreshadow the grueling journey that James was about to embark on.
The first thing that struck me when I started the game was the new over-the-shoulder perspective. While the original’s overhead perspective felt like I was watching a movie, the remake’s updated view put me closer to James’ point of view, supporting greater immersion and the feeling of being in Silent Hill. 3D Audio also deepens the immersion, making swishing leaves and James’ footsteps feel audibly real.
In the original game, the observation deck in the opening scene was shrouded in fog, whereas in the view is clear in the remake. At first… As James approaches the town the fog grows denser, almost symbolizing his state of mind and evoking anxiety in the player.
The first area that James visits is the eastern district of Silent Hill. At