Samsung's Galaxy S25 Ultra is set to launch later today at the Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event, scheduled for 11:30 PM Indian Standard Time. Ahead of the launch, several details about the smartphone have already been leaked. This includes a revamped design with rounded corners and a titanium frame. And specifications are expected to be headlined by the top-end Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset. However, some details about the device remain under wraps, including specific camera features, AI-based functionalities, and more. That said, the S25 Ultra presents an opportunity for Samsung to address some shortcomings of its predecessor, the S24 Ultra, and deliver a superior user experience. Here are three crucial areas where Samsung needs to focus:
Haptics have never been Samsung's strong suit. While not bad, they haven't matched the best in the market. Phones like the Google Pixel 9, OnePlus 13, and iPhones have superior haptic motors, offering a more precise and satisfying experience. In comparison, Samsung Galaxy S24 Series' haptics feel hollow. If the S25 Ultra debuts a stronger and more refined haptic motor, it could significantly enhance the user experience.
Also Read: Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2025: Where to watch live in India and what to expect from the Galaxy S25 series
The S24 Ultra's cameras were good but not the best. Its diverse setup included a 200 MP main wide-angle lens, a 50 MP 5x telephoto lens, an ultrawide lens, and a secondary 3x telephoto lens. While reliable, this setup fell short compared to competitors like the Vivo X200 Pro and Oppo Find X8 Pro. For the S25 Ultra, Samsung needs to step up its game and deliver camera performance that rivals or surpasses these flagship competitors.
The S24 Ultra's sharp corners and large 6.8-inch display made it uncomfortable for extended use. Thankfully, leaks suggest the S25 Ultra will feature rounded corners, potentially improving its ergonomics. However, it remains to be seen how well the phone balances weight