Half Mermaid, led by Sam Barlow, is known for making video games using FMV, and they often require the player to sort through footage to solve mysteries. But for the studio's next projects, it seems the mystery will begin before the games are even announced – today, two Steam listings were posted on Half Mermaid's developer page, but most of their information is redacted.
The games, currently called «Project C» and «Project D,» have very few concrete details listed. White text blocks give the page a redacted look, so only a few words in each sentence are legible, and the images and videos in their galleries are surreal and vague. Obscure details are still details, however, so here's a breakdown of what we know about each game so far.
The description underneath Project C's profile image is as follows:
And the «About This Game » section in Project C's Steam listing is as follows:
The word «kaleidoscopic» is definitely an important theme in this listing, both in the images and in the imagery in the listing. The poetic words at the start of the «about» section are actually from the Bible – it's Corinthians 13:12. In this context, however, it could be interpreted as a poetic way of looking at someone's face through a kaleidoscope, especially when placed right next to what's depicted in the image gallery, which we've assembled below.
Based on the words we can read in the second part, this seems like a relatively straightforward Sam Barlow/Half Mermaid game. The word «cinematic» lines up with what we've come to expect from the developer, and while they tease something will appear «for the first time ever in a video game,» we have no idea what that is. Something similar could be said for Immortality, the studio's last game that included footage from three original feature-length films. In that regard, doing something «for the first time ever» would be right in line with the studio's past.
There's a video as well, but there isn't much new information there. Kaleidoscopic
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