Ukraine-based studio VG Entertainment has announced Forest Reigns, an emergent story-driven single-player first-person shooter set in a post-apocalyptic Paris overrun by an evolving forest and deadly creatures. It will be available for PC via Steam. A release date was not announced.
“We’ve always had a passion for creating system-driven games, where the player’s freedom of action could shape the story and provide unique playthrough experiences,” said VG Entertainment head of studio Ruslan Didenko in a press release. “After years of multiplayer online production, we are now ‘back to the roots’ with creating Forest Reigns—a solid single-player first-person shooter with a twisted story, exploration, survival, role-playing elements, and on top of all that, the interactive environment! This is the most daring concept we’ve ever explored. With Forest Reigns we aim to bring something cool and fresh to the genre.”
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Watch a set of trailers below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.