The release of Detective Pikachu Returns for the Nintendo Switch has sparked excitement and intrigue among Pokémon fans worldwide. While the recently launched sequel marks the conclusion of the current storyline initiated by 2016’s Detective Pikachu for the Nintendo 3DS, the Pokémon Company has left the door open for the possibility of more adventures in the Detective Pikachu universe. In a recent interview with Famitsu, Hiroyuki Jinnai, the managing director of Creatures Inc, shared some insight into the franchise’s future.
Jinnai acknowledged that Detective Pikachu Returns concludes the captivating journey of Jinnai Tim, the wise-talking Pikachu, and Harry. Nevertheless, the development team remains enamored with the enigmatic old man Pikachu and isn’t ruling out the prospect of a spin-off. The words, when translated, ring with promise: “This concludes the story of Jinnai Tim, Pikachu, and Harry. However, all the staff also love the talking old man Pikachu, so maybe there will be a different development from the main story?”
Pokémon Company’s president, Tsunekazu Ishihara, further stoked the flames of anticipation. While he refrained from making any firm commitments, he hinted at the potential for future spin-offs. He stated, “I can’t make any promises at this point, but if Detective Pikachu Returns is well received and there is a great demand for it, there is room for a spin-off.”
Detective Pikachu Returns, released earlier this month for the Nintendo Switch, offers a delightful but straightforward introduction to the mystery genre, particularly suitable for young players. However, for seasoned Pokémon enthusiasts, the gameplay may feel somewhat lacking in complexity. The game shines in its presentation of the vibrant