Pokémon Center, the official online retail home of the franchise, has undergone a restock, introducing 30 different plush toys — but fans of Flareon may have to wait a little longer. Having recently declared 2025 the "," the Pokémon Center is celebrating everyone's favorite irregularly evolving Pokémon: Eevee. Unlike most Pokémon, who typically evolve in a fixed procession from one form to the next, Eevee can instead transform into one of eight elemental forms (affectionately called Eeveelutions) according to the player's choice. As such, the various Eeveelutions have become player favorites for their variability.
And now, you can take home a brand new plushie of your very favorite Eeveelution — unless you like Flareon, in which case, you're out of luck. The Pokémon Center has released a new set of adorable Eevee plushies. At seven inches tall, they're distinct from other Eevee/Eeveelution plushies available through the site in that they're much smaller and much cuter. With disproportionately massive heads, they stand on stubby little legs to support their stout, asymmetrical bodies.They cover seven of the eight Eeveelutions — Vaporeon, Espeon, Jolteon, Sylveon, Glaceon, Umbreon, and Leafeon, along with regular old Eevee — but Flareon is nowhere to be found.
The full lineup of new Eevee plushies is pictured above. They differ from other Eevee merch available via the Pokémon Center in their prioritization of cuteness over perfect game accuracy. This follows a recent trend emerging in plushies, as suggested by the recent release of chibi-style renditions of 's Legendaries. Again, almost every single Eeveelution is covered here, as is the original, unevolved Eevee, with the sole exception of Flareon.
The first Community Day of 2025 in Pokémon GO focuses on Sprigatito, and provides bonuses making it worthwhile for all players to participate in it.
There's also an impressive amount of variation between the various Eeveelution plushes. Although they all originate from
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