Every once in a while, a show comes along quietly and then turns into a cultural phenomenon, despite an apparent lack of promotion. Our Flag Means Death, HBO Max's new comedy about 18th-century pirates, is exactly that. The show follows Stede Bonnet, a wealthy landowner who leaves his life of luxury behind in search of adventure on the high seas...in the form of piracy. The story really kicks off when he crosses paths with the notorious pirate Blackbeard, and both men find that they have something to learn from each other.
The show is primarily a comedy and packs a hilarious punch in terms of verbal, physical, and situational comedy. However, while some comedy shows today might try to take an edgy or cynical route and focus on a more sarcastic humor style, Our Flag Means Death is incredibly sincere and genuine. Cynicism certainly has its place in comedy, but Our Flag Means Death is a breath of fresh air in that it has a ton of heart, which makes it stand out from other shows in the genre and is one of the main reasons why it is so beloved by fans.
How Our Flag Means Death Handles Discrimination
The show became a hit online, steadily gaining viewership and achieving an absolute skyrocket in the fandom as the final episodes aired. This was in part due to the romantic element of the show, as people learned that the show had canonical LGBTQ+ representation and wasn't just using the queerbaiting tactics that many other shows tend to employ. The show's humor style and positive representation of various racial groups and sexual orientations drew a lot of viewers in, and it says a lot about the industry that those elements are seen as rare, especially found all together in one show.
Our Flag Means Death is very sincere in its
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