As of late, there has been a lot of discussion revolving around healer's role in Mythic+ with the resurgence of 1 tank, 4 DPS keys.
IntroductionThis particular discussion stems from a few places, but lets start at the beginning. Zmok for the past few seasons has been attempting to push as high as possible running 4 DPS and 1 Protection Paladin. With this setup, he has had varying success, but typically is in the Rank 1 title range for M+. This season, Zmok has had significantly more success though with this setup as off healing provided from Protection Paladin + Hybrid healing is quite potent. This allows him to post screenshots like this on twitter. With these screenshots floating around, other members of the M+ community have also decided to try runs with 4 DPS and a Protection Paladin such as Nerf's 28 Court of Stars. In addition to people having decent success on live with variations of this setup, teams in the most recent MDI decided that no healer was a strategy that they could employ. However, this strategy during the MDI was only seen in Court of Stars, as all other dungeons had healers participating. All of this has healers talking and I talk about this and some of the community reactions in this video:
The IssueHealers are seen as a mandatory role in Mythic+ by many. With the ability to be able to omit a healer in near bleeding edge keys, this has many healers annoyed at the state of their role. With members of the M+ community weighing in such as AutomaticJak, Jdotb, and Naguura. Ultimately they have similar goals with what they are saying, which is that healers should have a spot in M+. Going too far into the direction where the best composition does not involve a healer is a dangerous game. Now we are