OnePlus finally launched the OnePlus 13 series smartphones, which include the OnePlus 13 and the OnePlus 13R, in the Indian market yesterday, January 7. Powered by the latest internals, including the Snapdragon 8 Elite and Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, the phones are OnePlus's flagships for 2025. While most of the hardware details were already known, one key piece of information was revealed only yesterday: the software support.
Thanks to powerful hardware, people are starting to use smartphones for longer, and with brands like Google, Samsung, and Apple setting standards in terms of software support, it is only natural to expect others to follow suit. However, the OnePlus 13 gets the same number of major OS upgrades as last year's OnePlus 12. Here are the details.
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The OnePlus 13 series is currently running on Android 15, based on OxygenOS 15, for both international markets and India. OnePlus has confirmed that both the OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R will receive four major Android upgrades, meaning the devices will be updated up to Android 19. Alongside this, the brand claims users will get six years of security updates, ensuring stress-free usage without concerns about security vulnerabilities. While this support isn't as extensive as what Samsung and Google offer, it is still better than most Android counterparts.
It is also worth noting while the number of OS updates has stayed the same as the OnePlus 12, OnePlus has increased the security updates to six years (up from five).
The OnePlus 13 series was launched yesterday in India at a starting price of ₹69,999. The more affordable OnePlus 13R was launched at ₹42,999. The OnePlus 13 will go on sale on January 10, while the OnePlus 13R will be available starting January 13. Both devices will be sold on Amazon, OnePlus's official website, and other retail channels.
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