Blizzard has published a video highlighting the lore of Lilith, Inarius, and the other major figures of Sanctuary in Diablo 4! While the events of Diablo 4 take place approximately 50 years after Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, the team hopes to create a dark narrative that both veterans and new players of the Diablo franchise will enjoy. Diablo IV — Inside the Game: A New Saga Video Diablo IV — Inside the Game: A New Saga Blog Post <p><b>Diablo IV Inside the Game: A New Saga</b></p> <br> <!--Summary--> <p>Join members of the development team as they set the stage for Diablo IV’s story in the last Inside the Game video.</p> <!--Article Content--> <p>Over the course of our <b>Inside the Game</b> video series, we sat down with our resident Diablo IV experts—members of the development team—to walk you through elements of the game.
Our next video in this series is A <b>New Saga</b>—an exploration of how the story between Lilith and Inarius is the darkest we’ve ever told in a Diablo game.</p> <p>Join Diablo game director <b>Joe Shely</b>, associate writer <b>Eden Trujillo</b>, senior manager of lore <b>Sean Copeland</b>, and principal writer <b>Matt Burns</b> as they expound upon Sanctuary’s creation by Inarius and Lilith, your role as the wanderer, key characters you’ll interact with, and more.</p> <!-- New Saga Video --> <aside class=«video-container center-block»> <div class=«video» style=«text-align: center;»><iframe allowfullscreen=«true» frameborder=«0» height=«315» src="" width=«560»></iframe></div> </aside> <p>The story of Diablo IV takes place 50 years after the events of Diablo III, presenting a new plane of Hell for both veteran wanderers and newcomers alike to slay in. See it