As a sequel to the original game released in 2018, follows the same core concept, with eight new main characters comprising the player's party, each with their own unique classes, stories, and ways of interacting with the world. The game promises a significant upgrade to the experience, with a new setting, additional battle mechanics, and a greater amount of party interaction than the original game. But its main premise is basically identical: like its predecessor, has eight main characters, one of which is chosen by the player as their main protagonist, with the other seven being recruitable as the player progresses through the game.
As always, each particular character also starts in a particular Job: a class that determines their equipment, stats, and abilities. Expanding on the first game, however, the sequel offers a few new takes on the systems of, with a day/night cycle for its new setting of Solistia, multiple Path Actions for each character depending on the time of day, and the addition of the Latent Power system to battles, which allows for the usage of special moves after building up a meter. But the main draw of the series has always been its diverse, engaging, and colorful cast of playable characters, and its daring innovation on the familiar Job System.
A year after its release, Square Enix drops a new update for Octopath Traveler 2 that's sure to put even the most stalwart veterans to the test.
As laid out by developer and publisher Square Enix, the main characters of — Hikari, Agnea, Partitio, Osvald, Throné, Temenos, Ochette, and Castti — each have the same base classes as the original eight characters. Each character starts as a member of one of the classes listed below. Their starting Jobs cannot be changed, but they can take on Every new main character and their associated starting class is as follows:
Starting Class
Agnea Bristarni
Castti Florenz
Hikari Ku
Osvald V. Vanstein