Capcom seems to be continuing its hot streak with the series after all the recently revealed material for Capcom doesn't seem to be afraid of spoiling the game for its audience either, happy to show all the work it has put into this latest title, and there looks to be an effort to address complaints about the series thus far. Hitboxes have been improved, hunters can wear armor regardless of gender, and is the best looking game in the franchise, with a lot of new features.
Although a somewhat controversial change, has decided to tell more of a story, with a main character that talks in cutscenes and dialogue options when talking to NPCs. This is a step up from 's introduction of talking hunters and seems to make a more RPG heavy title compared to its predecessors. This could do a lot for ' accessibility and popularity, even if it's controversial for returning players, but ' more adventurous monster designs are a definite plus, especially after the reveal of the Nu Urda.
has revealed the Nu Urda through IGN, and the monster is one of the most ambitious in the game. It is the apex monster of the Oilwell Basin area and is essentially a giant octopus that is covered in oil, which can be used to set itself on fire. Other than being a spectacle with its fire effects, it has a terrifying silhouette, and while it isn't as marketable as the Rey Dau, it shows that Capcom is willing to push its boundaries when it comes to and isn't afraid of putting in the hard work.
Anyone who has watched behind-the-scenes footage of knows that rigging and animating an octopus is no mean feat. While the Nu Urda doesn't move exactly like an octopus, since it is meant to be a lumbering, terrifying creature that can burn hunters to a crisp, its tentacles move as one would expect. It shows off that the animators, who have often received praise for how they have brought many monsters to life, aren't afraid to try something ambitious, and its turf war demonstrates how good a job these animators can