Armor sets have been pretty straightforward in the Monster Hunter series for a while now. With there being relatively few changes to the sets as games have come and gone, you still need to know which monsters have made the cut.
If you’re new to the series, you may wonder which armor you should be on the lookout for in Monster Hunter Now and which you can skip. In this article, we’ll be showing off which armor sets are the best in general, including specific benefits they have over other sets in Monster Hunter Now.
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The Jagras set is the first armor set you’ll craft yourself. Aside from the default armor you get at the beginning of the game, this armor is the most flimsy. It’ll help get you through the beginning monsters, like Jagras or Kulu. Other than at the beginning of the game, the Jagras set isn’t very useful. Firm Foothold is a nice ability to have on your set, which can be beneficial for low-class monsters if you take the time to create the full set.
Jagras and Kulu armor are almost identical in scope. They can protect you to a certain extent but it is very frail in comparison to any armor set down the line, with zero natural resistance to elements. I think you’re better off using Jagras armor if you can help it, because the difference between it and Kulu armor is almost entirely aesthetic. It does have Guts as an armor perk though, which sets it apart from the Jagras set by a small margin.
The Pukei set is another armor set that is for those at the beginning of the game. It is meant to be a good set of basic armor, and one that is very good against Rathian. Poison resistance comes in handy against powerhouses like