Curious about Look no further as we have the answers for you. Mayor of Kingstown is a crime-thriller series created by Taylor Sheridan and Hugh Dillon for Paramount Plus. The series is set in the fictional Michigan town of Kingstown where the prime and thriving business is incarceration.
Here’s everything you need to know.
Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 comes out one year after the third season ended on March 2023. The third season also reportedly comes out roughly six months after filming supposedly began on January 2024.
You can watch the Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 trailer below:
The trailer is a short teaser that confirms the return of Jeremy Renner’s Mike McLusky. Moreover, this teaser also features a voiceover from McLusky who states how a certain percentage of people are good and certain people are bad but concludes that people are who they are, what they are, and what they are going to do.
Mayor of Kingstown Season 3’s cast includes:
Moreover, Jeremy Renner’s Mike McLusky will be shown trying to maintain peace among everyone in town. McLusky is pressured by the gargantuan task of keeping everything and everyone on good terms while also handling and confronting issues related to his troubled past. Additionally, Mike will also very likely have to deal with his old friend and rival Milo, who faked his death in an explosion and is now likely working behind the scenes to ruin Mike and his life.