World-renowned rockstar Lenny Kravitz celebrates the release of The Batman by congratulating his daughter Zoë, who plays Catwoman in the film. Directed by Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), The Batman saw British actor Robert Pattinson take over the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman from Ben Affleck following the latter's decision to step down from the part after his appearances in the DC Extended Universe. Pattinson and Kravitz were joined by an ensemble supporting cast featuring the likes of Jeffrey Wright as James Gordon, Paul Dano as The Riddler, Colin Farrell as The Penguin, Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth, and John Turturro as Carmine Falcone.
The story of The Batman revolves around the titular hero in his second year of fighting crime in the streets of Gotham City, as he uncovers corruption while also pursuing the menacing serial killer known as the Riddler, who is targeting the elite citizens of Gotham. After multiple pandemic-related delays, the film recently made its worldwide theatrical debut and opened to rave reviews, with a Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes at 86% as of this writing. The Batman is also intended to launch a shared universe, with potential movie sequels planned and a spin-off series based on The Penguin recently given the go-ahead at HBO Max.
Related: What The Batman Really Means: Vengeance, Class & Violence
Recently, celebrated musician Lenny Kravitz expressed his delight and support for his daughter Zoë as he took to Twitter to congratulate her ahead of the release of The Batman. He posted an image of the actress striking a pose in her Catwoman suit with a whip in her hand, featuring the caption "Congratulations, my love, on the iconic moment. I am so proud of you." Check