Among the countless video game series, there might not be one as complicated yet fulfilling as Kingdom Hearts. Originating in 2002, Kingdom Hearts follows the story of Sora as he travels to various worlds inspired by Disney movies to battle an enemy known as the Heartless. The series gained tremendous popularity because of the unlikely pairing of Disney and Final Fantasy characters and has since spewed a total of 13 games across many different consoles.
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Although the main plot can be understood by just playing the three main numbered installments, you'll need to play every entry to understand the overarching story of Kingdom Hearts fully. Unfortunately, certain games occur in many different time periods, so it might be difficult to figure out where each game fits in the story precisely. So, let's summon our Keyblades and use the light in our hearts to guide us through his journey as we break down the chronological order of the Kingdom Hearts series.
Kingdom Hearts X and Union X are the prequels to the overarching Kingdom Hearts story. They take place before the first Keyblade War and are set in Daybreak Town. In X, after you create a custom Keyblade wielder, you join one of the five Foreteller factions. The Five Foretellers are ancient Keyblade users, trained by the Master of Masters: Aced, Gula, Ira, Ava, and Invi. They're given a book called the Book of Prophecies, which tells of a coming war - to prevent it, they must defeat the Heartless and collect pieces of light called Lux.
Union X takes place immediately after Kingdom Hearts X, as your custom character is being persuaded to join a faction. One of the faction leaders, Strelitzia, is killed by a