One player has just discovered a mysterious button located in the Skull Caverns, leaving them to wonder what its purpose is. Players that have progressed far into the game will be familiar with the dangerous Skull Caverns located in the desert, a daring venture that's better left until gamers are well-prepared. Without any way to save progress through elevators, these mines are a risk to go deeper into but offer great rewards to those who dare.
The player, Otherwise-Term-9322, stumbled across a strange button located outside the Skull Caverns. Marked by a giant skull and popping up with a question mark when interacted with, it's clear that this red button is there for a purpose, but the game doesn't tell players exactly what it's for, which led them to Reddit in search of answers.
Helpful commenters came to the rescue though, explaining that thisbutton will replace enemies with their more dangerous counterparts as well as adding radioactive ore nodes.
If players are looking for even more of a challenge than the normal Skull Caverns, helpful Reddit commenters have solved the mystery of what this button actually does. Commenter iamergo states,"" This adds a whole new level of fear to the already feared Skull Caverns and gives hardcore veteran players more of a challenge.
A Stardew Valley player has demonstrated incredibly awful luck by incurring the near-maximum penalty for dying in the mines twice in a row.
While it's already very tough to go down into the mines, with many players preparing through specific meals or enhanced weaponry,this extra mode turns enemies into their even more dangerous variants for the benefit of better loot. Some other funny commenters made sure to prepare the player for what they'd be getting themselves in for, as user Django-UN claims it turns the mines to «Wumbo», which references a quite hilarious SpongeBob SquarePants episode.
Players that have completed base mines are most likely already aware that the Skull Caverns in the Calico