In the coming months, Apple is expected to launch its affordable iPhone model, the iPhone SE 4. The smartphone will reportedly be named the iPhone 16e as the company plans to modernise its mid-range smartphone series. Recently, Mark Gurman highlighted that the iPhone SE 4 could debut in April just after the iOS 18.3 rollout. Now, a new leak has come forward which sheds light on the smartphone's mass production and upcoming Apple event timeless. Therefore, if you are eagerly waiting for the iPhone mid-ranger, then here's everything you need to know ahead of launch.
Also read: iPhone SE 4, iPad 11 launch timeline tipped- Know when affordable iPhone could debut
Previous reports have highlighted that the iPhone SE 4 is codenamed “Roma” and it is expected to be unveiled at the upcoming Apple event. Now, highlight the iPhone SE 4's codename, a tipster who goes by the name Majin Bu shared an X post revealing that the smartphone's production could start in a few days and it may debut in spring. Now, as the device will go into mass production, the company may officially start to reveal more details surrounding the speculations. Therefore, we may have to keep an eye on the Apple Newsroom website to know about upcoming launches and announcements.
India will participate in the assembly and production of the iPhone 2025 Roma. Mass production is expected to start in the coming days, and the device will debut at the new Apple event in this spring.
Also read: iPhone SE 4 expected to be launched as iPhone 16e: Know why it's a better name
The iPhone SE 4 or we can say the iPhone 16e will reportedly be a major upgrade over the 2022 iPhone SE 3. From design to performance, the smartphone may get a significant boost and compete with some previous generation flagship phones like iPhone 15 and iPhone 14. With an affordable iPhone, Apple is rumoured to bring an iPhone 14-like design, consisting of a smaller display notch for FaceID and it will finally discard the