Life presents many challenges, even hundreds of years into the future. You'll encounter various tasks in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist. These obstacles range from singing in a talent show to fighting off an alien species on your new home planet, Vertumna IV.
Related: I Was A Teenage Exocolonist: Beginner Tips
In Teenage Exocolonist, card challenges occur whenever you perform a work or school activity from month to month. Completing these challenges awards skill improvements and kudos you can spend at various stores. Here's a rundown of how these challenges work.
The card challenges are straightforward. First, you must arrange your cards in an order that equals or surpasses the goal value. Your skills will always increase when working or going to school. However, you'll receive extra skill points if you win a challenge. Furthermore, you'll get a kudos bonus for arranging the best possible hand.
So, how do you increase the value of your hand? Order matters significantly. Arranging cards in pairs, flushes, and straights is one way to gain extra points. Additionally, some cards have extra perks that give advantages or disadvantages depending on their position. Lastly, equipped gear grants challenge bonuses, and collectibles can get consumed for one-time bonuses.
Anytime you work or go to school, your character's stress increases. They cannot pursue a card challenge once their stress reaches one hundred. But, if you have stress to spare, you can apply it to a challenge when your hand's value falls short of the goal. This option, called pushing through, should get used discriminately.
Winning card challenges is not a requirement in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist. Unfortunately, the cards you draw will sometimes never meet the