Drawing from the widely popular franchise J.K. Rowling started with her first Harry Potter novel, Hogwarts Legacy is a game that partly distances itself from the Wizarding World's classic settings. Hogwarts Legacy takes place in the past, which could provide fans with the unique chance of experiencing a different world compared to that of the books and their movie adaptations. Still, the recently delayed game has been stirring multiple controversies since it was announced around Quidditch, the cost of Hogwarts Legacy's Collector's Edition, or J.K. Rowling's political views.
Rowling has been in the eye of the storm in recent years due to her repeated transphobic comments on social media, something that LGBTQIA+ individuals, and trans people specifically, highlighting even in the books and other Harry Potter-related media. Hogwarts Legacy was also associated with specifically antisemitic accusations when it was revealed that the main villains of the game were Goblins, a persecuted species in the Wizarding World that is being depicted as evil for wanting freedom. For these reasons, many are advocate for people to boycott Hogwarts Legacy ahead of launch.
Hogwarts Legacy Cutting Quidditch Would be Sad, But it Makes Sense
Rowling's political opinions ended up tainting the franchise for thousands of ex-fans given she made comments regarding the rights and freedom of transgender people, and then doubled down after being reprimanded online. Actors from the Harry Potter saga started to speak up about the issue by stating that trans women are women and trans men are men, no matter what the person who started the franchise says. Many started to question the existence of Hogwarts Legacy as the expansion of a franchise that has been
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