JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R is the hotly anticipated re-release of the hit 2013 fighting game adaptation of Hirohiko Araki's beloved manga franchise. In stark contrast to most anime fighters, the game perfectly mirrors its source material, from its stellar fight scenes to its incomprehensible systems.
The unique 3D fighter features an active-time dodge, a character-specific Stand system, and a bizarre cinematic taunt mechanic. It really brings the manga's signature absurdity to life.
Like any fighting game, JoJo ASB's best characters rise to the top tier in the game. From inexplicable Stand powers to sheer physical dominance, these characters are incredible in action.
Note: This list is based on personal preference and tournament viability. Personal taste may vary, and no true "best character" can be objectively determined in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R.
With over 50 manga mainstays to choose from, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R players have a lot of characters to try out.
Listed below are some of the most powerful options to master for players who want an anime-level of combat proficiency.
Gyro Zeppeli is Johnny's mentor in JoJo Part 7. He's one of two mounted characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R, which means he can summon a horse at the push of a button.
Gyro's primary mode of attack is his steel balls, which work as a stellar projectile option to keep pressure on an opponent. When mounted, he's agile, and his normals are massive.
There's no wrong way to play Gyro in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R . Having to keep up with balls, meter, and corpse parts can make him difficult to use. However, players can play Keep Away at the start of a match