JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R is the latest fighting game adaptation of Hirohiko Araki's beloved manga and anime franchise. With more than fifty of the most beloved anime characters of the past 35 years on the roster, everything from fighting style to dialog has become important.
One of the unique aspects of the game is its focus on flashy displays and flawlessly recreated manga panel moments. In many cases, gameplay takes a back seat to killer moments from the franchise. Some of these big moments are edge cases that new fans might not know how to activate, but they'll love finding them.
Note: This list reflects the author's opinion.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R features new characters and new gameplay details. The unique battle system occasionally moves the standard fighting game systems aside to make way for a huge fan-favorite moment.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R features characters from centuries apart, but Jonathan would recognize that face anywhere. After killing Dio Brando in his lifetime, he's shocked to see the vampire back to face him again.
Part 3 Dio appears courtesy of Jonathan's body, so the clash between the old rivals is powerful. Jonathan's shock at the face of his old enemy and his triumph if he wins are fun details that couldn't happen in the anime.
A battle of ancestors through time inspires some mixed feelings. While Will A. Zepelli seems thrilled to test this stranger's limits, Caesar is furious to meet another man with his surname.
Caesar All-Staraccuses his opponent of using a fake name, though Will isn't bothered. The clash of generations is one of many details that make JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R fun for longtime fans.
JoJo fans know that no