I am a huge fan of and have been since I was quite young. It was my introduction to Bethesda's style of game as well as the first-person RPG genre. also served as the bedrock of my cringe-worthy childhood YouTube channel, but the less said about that, the better. I have lots of fond memories of sitting at my tiny desk in front of my big blocky white monitor and loading up, hearing the music blast through the tinny speakers, and feeling immediately excited.
So, it will come as no surprise that I am excited about the rumoredUE5 remake coming from Virtuos Studios, a support developer I hadn't heard of until the 2.2 update. While I'm not terribly fond of UE5 — as I believe it makes everything look like a photorealistic glossy congealed mess — I am keen to jump back into to relive my childhood memories. In fact, I would go as far as to say that I am more excited about this unannounced remake of a game from 2006 than I am about .
It is important to clarify that the rumored remake remains unannounced. Initially, Bethesda was going to release a remaster of both and, as revealed by leaked FTC documents during the controversial acquisition of Activision Blizzard. However, as that never transpired, it was claimed that a full-blown remake of was coming, with various sources seemingly proving its existence. I'm always a skeptic when it comes to rumors, but, as much as I've tried not to get too drawn in by it all, I can't help but feel a little giddy.
What has surprised me though is how quickly my excitement for this unannounced remake superseded my ever-dwindling excitement for the upcoming . When it was initially announced during the now regrettable showcase, I was overjoyed, imagining how Bethesda could follow up one of the most immersive fantasy RPGs of all time. However, it has been six years since its reveal, and I am growing tired of waiting for Xbox to give details about and its seemingly nonexistent release date.
Players need Bethesda to learn from one critical launch
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