Here's how to level alts to 80 in about 3 hours or less in War Within Early Access!
Note that this method does work for your main, but your main needs to unlock the campaign to unlock everything else so we recommend it for alts.
Unique to War Within, it seems that Normal dungeon spamming is providing a lot of experience. Each dungeon run will award about a third to half a level.
In addition, gear scaling seems more lenient in War Within, meaning that you overgear the leveling content for longer and allowing you to make massive dungeon pools to make quick work of the dungeons. If you have a pre-made group, this can make leveling to 80 take about 3 hours!
Similar to MoP Remix, having lower level characters in your group will greatly increase the speed.
Therefore, trading who has a lower level character in the group to carry the rest of the group will greatly speed things up, but even if you don't, the only slow levels are usually 78 and 79.
Remember that queueing is faction locked.
Check out our Best Dungeon Talent Builds for each class and check out our class guides below!