Released in 2017, Horizon Zero Dawn tells the story of Aloy, a brave warrior who ventures into the world to discover more about her past and to stop the evil plans of cultists. The tasks ahead of her are not easy, because she lives in a dystopian future where monstrous machines roam the lands and threaten to kill anything that moves. Horizon Zero Dawn was a new direction for Guerrilla Games, a studio with a history of making FPS games, but the risk paid off, and Aloy's game has been a runaway hit. Fortunately, gamers will be able to enjoy more of Aloy with Horizon Forbidden West, the upcoming sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn.
Horizon Forbidden West takes everything good from its predecessor and improves upon it. Traversal has been made easier thanks to the inclusion of a grappling hook and a glider. Combat will also be more engaging due to Guerrilla Games' overhaul of the combat system. Aloy will have plenty more options available for melee combat, and new weapons and moves will help her deal with the tough foes she will encounter. While all these improvements are much appreciated, perhaps the greatest addition Guerrilla Games could add is a multiplayer mode.
Horizon Forbidden West’s Accessibility Features Are a Step in the Right Direction
Back when Guerrilla Games was still in the early days of developing Horizon Zero Dawn, it had plenty of ideas for what it wanted to include in the game. However, not everything could be implemented due to factors such as hardware limitations. Ultimately, this turned out for the best because it meant that the studio could focus on a few key features and polish them to near perfection. Nevertheless, it does make one wonder what the possibilities could have been if the studio had a bigger budget,