The events of the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy is set to revolve around the 1890s. There have been many events that happened in the 1800s Wizarding World, including yet another Goblin Rebellion to mar the history books. Despite the 1800s being known for bettering relations between human magic wielders and their goblin neighbors, as with the case of Gringotts Bank returning to goblin hands, one goblin had other ideas.
Hogwarts Legacy's main antagonists is the goblin Ranrok, who's formed an uneasy alliance with the local Dark Wizards led by the notorious Victor Rookwood, another antagonist. With Hogwarts Legacy adding a whole new chapter to the canon of the Wizarding World, these two names have not been mentioned during the events of the Harry Potter books and movies. With that, it's worth a look at just who these two are and what their agenda (or agendas) may be.
Voldemort's Parents Could Theoretically Be in Hogwarts Legacy
Like other goblins, Ranrok can wield magic without the need for a wand. Goblins do have the potential to channel their magic through wands, but possession of wands by goblins were outlawed by the Ministry of Magic through the Wand Ban that passed in 1631. One of the main reasons that provoked the infamous Goblin Rebellions during the 17th and 18th centuries is the belief that human witches and wizards are deliberately keeping goblins from learning wandcraft as a method of discrimination against them. Ranrok's rebellion is no different, but this goblin is doing things differently compared to his rebellious brethren from days past.
The relationship between the goblins and wizards have always been rocky, and despite things looking up within the 1800s, there is one goblin who believes otherwise. The main