The community has a reason to celebrate as the long-awaited anime adaptation has taken a huge step forward. HoYoverse recently released «Memories of This Life», a stunning one-and-a-half minute short, offering fans one of the first glimpses of what to expect from the series. Featuring gorgeous visuals by Ufotable, the short focuses on the Fatui Harbingers, delivering breathtaking animation and an interesting story angle that further fuels excitement for the upcoming anime.
This new short comes as a pleasant surprise to fans who have been eagerly anticipating updates since the anime's announcement in 2022. Combined with recent developments, such as HoYoverse seeking a dedicated animation scriptwriter, it is clear that progress is being made, reigniting hope that the anime will soon become a reality. With Ufotable's proven expertise, fans are optimistic that this collaboration will result in an anime masterpiece.
The newly released short gives fans a peek at the Fatui Harbingers in action, showcasing their terrifying strength as they take on foes without relying on the protection of Nata. This emphasizes the Harbingers' independence and unique powers, setting the stage for more intense battles in the anime.
Farming weekly bosses in Genshin Impact is getting tougher by the minute and a simple update to the system would solve the biggest issue.
The focus on the Harbingers’ abilities offers a deeper look into their characters and roles in the story. This thrilling preview sets the tone for what fans can expect, blending stunning visuals with intense storytelling. Fans eagerly await more updates as the world of Teyvat prepares to transition from a beloved game into an unforgettable anime.
Just when hope for the anime seemed to dwindle, HoYoverse confirmed its commitment to the project by posting a job listing for an animation writer. This listing explicitly mentions working on the animation project, with requirements pointing to close collaboration with Japanese studio