Identity, the highly anticipated Malayalam thriller starring Tovino Thomas and Trisha Krishnan, will premiere on Zee5 on January 31, 2025. Initially released in theatres on January 2, the film has now been dubbed into Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada to ensure a wider audience can enjoy the gripping narrative. With its release on Zee5, Identity will be available in four languages, making it accessible to an even broader viewership.
Directed by Akhil Paul and Anas Khan, the film marks their reunion after their successful 2020 crime thriller Forensic, which also starred Tovino Thomas. Identity delves into a complex psychological thriller, with Tovino and Trisha sharing the screen for the first time. Their on-screen pairing is a major draw for fans of both stars, as they explore an intense storyline involving emotions, justice, and mystery.
The film has been shot in some visually stunning locations, including Ernakulam, Bengaluru, Mauritius, and Coimbatore. The breathtaking landscapes promise to enhance the cinematic experience, adding an extra layer of allure to the suspense-filled narrative.
Tovino Thomas spoke about the challenges and rewards of portraying his character in Identity. He described the role as one of the most demanding of his career, revealing that the film dives deep into intricate human emotions, relationships, and the relentless pursuit of justice. "The story is a powerful combination of emotional depth and gripping action. It's been an exhilarating challenge to play this role, and I'm excited for audiences to experience the twists and surprises that unfold in this psychological thriller," Tovino said.
In addition to Tovino and Trisha, Identity features a stellar cast, including Mamtha Mohandas, Madonna Sebastian, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Aju Varghese, Saiju Kurup, and Reba Monica John. Each actor brings their unique charm to the film, enhancing the complex narrative and adding further depth to the story's intricate characters.
Identity stands out as a cerebral