Here is a first look at some of the vendor rewards from WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria on the Patch 10.2.7 PTR. This includes a guaranteed way to get old toys that were RNG from Rares!
The Ai-Li's Skymirror is an awesome toy and it's awesome that there will be another way to get it now!
ItemOriginal SourceBronze Ai-Li's SkymirrorMoP Rare4950 Salyin Battle BannerMoP Rare4950 Pandaren Firework LauncherMoP Rare7700 Mogu HazeblazerNew2200 Reins of the Tropical Riding CraneNew2200 Reins of the Little Red Riding GoatNew2200 Reins of the Jade PterrordaxNew4400 Reins of the Dashing WindsteedNew6600