One thing about FF8 that's annoying me is just how often you switch characters. I'm not even kidding, towards the end of disc 1, I was switching between three groups of characters with only a few minutes of playtime with each group. It's also annoying because I have to constantly switch junctions and this wouldn't be a problem if the character's HP adjusted accordingly but it doesn't. So each time I switch junction, I need to also heal that character to full health. So if I do this and then switch back to the previous group after just a few minutes, then I just wasted healing. Sometimes you don't even fight any enemies with the new group. If the character just got full health automatically, then it would make switching junctions so much more seamless.
I think I could eventually avoid switching junctions when I've acquired enough summons for my party members that I don't need to switch all the time. But that's under the circumstance that I've unlocked all abilities of each summon. Otherwise I would miss out on precious ability points by not having them equipped all the time.
I’m making my way through Crisis Core — Reunion and happy to report that I’m still enjoying it. I’ve been taking my time with it and so far am trying to be as complete as possible and hitting all the side missions. I’m not sure how long I’ll continue to do that, because the little optional side missions, although very brief (usually just taking 5 minutes or less each), do get a bit repetitive. The rewards for completing are variable too. Some of the missions have very important or useful items like materia, summons, and nice equipment, but many of them have superfluous stuff. Some also have nice little vignettes about supplemental characters too, so it’s hard to know which ones to skip.
Combat is pretty fun, although a little imbalanced. I’ve been able to easily beat and clear most stages and enemies and yet there’s a couple that I am struggling with. Last night I ran up against a mini-boss in a