Mid-March, Blizzard revealed 12 new Hero Talent Trees in a sneak peek at the new system coming with the The War Within expansion.
Our Feral Druid guide writer, Guiltyas, offers an early review of the Druid of the Claw Hero Talents, a tree that attempts and somewhat succeeds on marrying the once single spec of Feral and Guardian. The Ferocious Bite-centri spec offers some improvement over its Wildstalker counterpoint, but may require baseline Feral changes to really shine.
With this newest reveal containing a whopping TWELVE new hero talent tree’s, we’ve gotten our first look at the other tree that we’ll have access to as Feral for The War Within.
Hero talents are a new system coming in The War Within; think of them as an expansion pack for your talent tree. Each spec will have 2 hero talent trees connected to 2 of their other specs. Over the course of levelling, you’ll be able to fill out the entire tree, so the only choices you’ll make are between your 2 different hero talent trees and with any choice nodes in the tree, largely when you choose hero talents you will be choosing based on the entire package.
Druid trees will both be shared with tank and healer, so Balance druid will have a tree shared with Resto and Guardian just like Feral; Feral druid will have the choice between Wildstalker and Druid of the Claw. The tree we’re previewing today is the tree shared between Feral and Guardian, Druid of the Claw.