The beloved game series , having garnered mass interest due to the new hit show on Amazon Prime, offers players a wealth of built-in cheats and Console Commands. These tools allow both new and returning players to thrive and survive in the wasteland of the Commonwealth. You can shape your post-apocalyptic adventure tailored to your playstyle without the need for external mods, whether altering gameplay mechanics or spawning items.
By utilizing Console Commands, you can enhance your experience in numerous ways, from adjusting your stats and accelerating time to spawning monsters, sophisticated weaponry, or even reviving NPCs. If you find yourself hindered in crafting due to missing materials or insufficient items, cheats provide a practical solution to these challenging aspects of the survival RPG, and implementing them requires just a few simple steps.
These commands are exclusive to the PC version of the game; the PlayStation and Xbox versions do not have access to the developer Command Console.
To access the Command Console in on PC, press the tilde (~) key. This opens the Command Console Menu, allowing you to enter cheats and spawn items. Enter the desired command, press Enter, then close the console to apply the cheat. Joshua Boyles showcases how to activate every type of cheat and Console Command in a visual guide.
If the tilde key doesn't work due to regional keyboard settings, try using the apostrophe key to access the Command Console.
Ensure to use the correct and precise input of cheat codes in your game, including spaces and numerical figures. Avoid spawning excessive items to prevent your game from potentially crashing; for instance, refrain from exceeding the inventory maximum, such as 999 for certain items.
You can utilize the level-up command in the Console to adjust to your desired level, but bear in mind the game's level limit of 65,535. Avoid exceeding this threshold to prevent crashing or further instability issues.
Most players employ