The void elves play a major role in The Harbinger questline of Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7, Aeonara Dawnshade is a flail and shield wielding knight, but in contrast to her dark and shadowy appearance, the who uses Consecration in battle, making her the first in-game void elf Paladin!
Serving as a continuation of Iridirkon's plot in Dawn of the Infinite, the Harbinger questline follows Alleria on the hunt for the Dark Heart. Being a void artifact, this sends players to consult with the void elves of Telogrus Rift, including Aeonara Dawnshade <Wielder of the Eclipse>.
Exactly what the Eclipse is supposed to be remains unknown, although the title may be more literal in referring to the astronomical event as a reflection of her own comingling of light and shadow.
Although perhaps not directly related, similar astronomical references in Shadowlands suggest a common theme.
Also referencing an eclipse, it seems to be a popular theme.
Of course, the real question on everyone's mind is whether Dawnshade is a harbinger for future playable void elf paladins, which is an appealing and commonly requested sentiment. While she certainly could hint at future possibilities in The War Within patches or even the following Midnight expansion, players may not want to get too invested in the possibility, as night elves are still waiting for Delas Moonfang to lead somewhere.