The discourse surrounding difficulty in FromSoftware games is heated, to say the least. With Elden Ring approaching its February release date, that conversation is being reinvigorated once more. Many don't want From Software to change its games at all, believing it would be a betrayal of the games' values. Others want From Software's games to be open to more players, noting that accessibility features won't change the game otherwise. Elden Ring won't be adding accessibility features, but director Hidetaka Miyazaki is still listening.
In a conversation published on the PlayStation Blog, Miyazaki addressed the topic of difficulty settings and accessibility features once more. Miyazaki starts by saying that it's a «valid discussion,» but that's as far as he's willing to go in terms of acknowledging an issue with Elden Ring or past From Software games. His follow-up is to say that From's design philosophy is to encourage players to «overcome adversity» and, somewhat dismissively, he says that From doesn't «try to force difficulty» just for the sake of it.
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While Miyazaki doesn't elaborate further on the idea of difficulty options or accessibility settings for Elden Ring or future From Software games, he does talk about the general difficulty of Elden Ring compared to past From Software games. It's Miyazaki's belief that Elden Ring will be completed by more players than past From Software titles. He doesn't in any way say it's an easier game, but rather describes Elden Ring's structure as providing players more options that aren't all action-focused.
More specific examples include Elden Ring's level of freedom, which allows players to tackle challenges in a more coordinated and organized fashion,