has been a major success, delighting both newcomers and franchise veterans alike with its unique gameplay and intriguing story. For many long-time fans, there has been an ongoing question as to where Echoes of Wisdom falls in the massive Zelda timeline. Fortunately, Nintendo has recently revealed where exactly the game falls in the timeline, and it has some exciting implications for where the franchise could be headed in the future.
With so many games spanning nearly forty years, figuring out the chronological order of 's timeline can be daunting. It gets even more complicated when considering the fact that there are multiple branching timelines based on specific outcomes from prior games. Fortunately, Nintendo has done all the hard work of tying all its games together, and it has left some interesting implications for what's to come.
The events of the various branching timelines entirely depend on whether or not Link manages to defeat Ganon in . Should Link fail, it will result in the Hero Is Defeated timeline, which follows the various reincarnations of Link, who are forced to deal with the results of Ganon's evil reign. If he succeeds, however, it becomes the Hero Is Triumphant timeline, which is split between the timeline adult Link left behind and the one he returned to as a child.
The Legend of Zelda is full of mysteries and missing plot points, but BOTW’s 10,000 year-old legend may have actually revealed a major timeline event.
specifically takes place in the Hero Is Defeated timeline. This reveal confirmed many fans' theories and suspicions since is also a part of this darker timeline; many theorized both games were part of the same timeline long before this reveal. Further proof lies in the fact that Ganon's design in this game is somewhat similar to those that have been seen in previous iterations, particularly those that lead up to the defeated timeline.
was revealed to occur between and the original game from 1987. Sometime after the events of, the
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