In , the Battle Preparation phase is an important step where you prepare your character for fights. This stage allows for a lot of customization, which affects how well you perform in battle. The decisions made here are crucial since many choices can't be changed once the fighting starts. You can adjust your character's abilities by picking from different weapons and items.
You will recognize this from some other games, but it's gotten an upgrade. This time, it's not just about picking a weapon; it involves understanding how different items work together and how they can help in specific missions. This adds an interesting layer to the fast-paced action of the game. Thepreparation phase is actually important and shouldn't just be skipped through like in previous games.
The Battle Preparation system inis an important step before battles, where you can set up your character with the best gear for missions and large fights. However, this system isn’t available for smaller skirmishes. Interestingly, this replaces the need to switch characters since your weapons change your fighting styles.
Netflix's live-action adaptation of Dynasty Warriors follows the hack & slash game pretty closely. Here are the key differences between the two.
During Battle Preparation, you can equip different items to improve your character's fighting abilities. The items are grouped into different types: Weapons, Gems, Arts, Accessories, Horses, and Portable Items. As seen in the hands-on preview, using the Battle Preparation system effectively is essential to doing well in the game.
By carefully selecting the above components, you can adjust your character’s strengths and weaknesses to fit each battle, which increases your chances of winning.
Gems boost your character's skills and provide helpful effects in battle. Unlike weapons, you can't swap out Gems during a fight; you set them up before the battle starts, and they stay the same throughout. Each Gem offers different benefits that can change