I genuinely have a great level of affection for Quantic Dream games—they're all weird, ambitious, narrative rambles with more ambition than sense. Say what you want, I don't think I've ever been bored by one.
Detroit: Become Human is a clumsy civil rights metaphor that doesn't quite handle the subject well enough to justify hewing close to it. Heavy Rain's spawned its own fair share of memes with wonky cutscenes and fumbling writing, and Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy is—and I mean this with all the love in the world—a hilarious mess, ageing like a tasty, funky-smelling cheese. Despite all this, I really like that they exist—there's just nothing quite like a good old spin on Quantic Dream's wild ride.
So when I heard they were making a Star Wars game, I got excited. This is a franchise that has played it safe for years—even more so now that it's an extension of the Mouse. To have that in the hands of a studio known for unhinged and shameless narratives? Now that's pod racing, baby. Star Wars: Eclipse was announced in 2021, but there's been not so much as a holo-blip since then.
A recent interview with IGN reveals that the game's still in development, however, and it'll likely have all the unique marks of a Quantic Dream game—including a world where key character deaths don't stop the story—while being the studio's first proper foray into action adventure.
«This is actually an action adventure game that has all of the elements that you would come to expect and want from a Quantic Dream title,» says marketing vice president Lisa Pendse. «There's no game over. Anyone can die, anything can happen and the story sort of continues so that those signatures are still there. But what we've been doing is even more ramping up our
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