The launch of Lightfall has been huge for Destiny 2, setting a new concurrent player record on Steam, but it hasn't been without issues. Bungie support has released a thread of all known issues to do with Lightfall's launch, with some features temporarily deactivated while bugs are investigated.
The issues currently identified by Bungie thankfully don't seem to be major bugs. The support team has warned that some players report crashing when they go to the Commendations page in the Journeys tab, and recommend players avoid this page until the issue can be fixed.
In temporarily disabled content, the Jötunn Exotic fusion rifle has been removed from all Crucible modes, while the Arc Hunter's Disorienting Blow melee has also been temporarily removed.
Some Xbox Series X|S users are also reportedly having problems logging in to Destiny 2 after the update. Bungie has outlined a series of steps that should serve as a workaround for this problem. Some PC players are also reportedly having problems logging in on Steam.
To keep up to date with the bugs Bungie is currently working to fix, you can check out the known issues here. The developer has also asked players to continue reporting any other issues they may have encountered with Lightfall in the Destiny 2 Help Forum.
Here are all the issues Bungie has identified at the time of writing: