Coin Master players can add a bit of spice to their Monday with a new rewards link that went live today. Twenty-five free spins (minimum) are up for grabs via this link.
Readers should note that the minimum reward refers to the compensation that a new player will receive via the rewards link. This link will grant an advanced player (level 175 and above) over 200 spins.
The developers have done this to ensure that the value that everyone gets from the rewards link remains the same. New players with 200 spins will be able to advance up the levels far quicker than the level progression plan that the developers have.
Similarly, for an average advanced player whose average building cost is over 2,000,000,000 and base multiplier is 100x, a reward of 25 spins is very inconsequential.
Users can access today's rewards by clicking here on a device with a valid log-in. The prize was announced via the official Coin Twitter handle:
All reward links and redeem codes are single-use only but without any restriction on the number of reward links players can claim or avail. The fairly consistent flow of reward links is why all beginner guides advise them to follow the official Twitter handle.
Every special occasion, like Halloween and Memorial Day, is celebrated by the developers with a themed tweet and a reward link enclosed in the same.
There is a consistent flow of reward links spread throughout the week, with or without a special occasion around the corner. For example, the stream of rewards that players witnessed during the holiday season has not stopped, even though Christmas was two weeks ago.
Efficiently using reward links can give players' progress the boost they are looking for by searching for methods to get free spins all day. Those