In today's PTR update, we've found four encrypted cinematics coming in Patch 9.2! Due to their encryption, we don't know what these cinematics will contain, though we do have information on the file size and duration for each of the four, which gives us a few hints as to what they might contain. PATCH 9.2 STORY SPOILERS AND SPECULATION AHEAD!
File ID: 4279702 — 11,912 KB — 25 sec File ID: 4279707 — 24,853 KB — 51 sec File ID: 4279697 — 39,553 KB — 1:23 min File ID: 4279692 — 78,380 KB — 2:42 min What Could These Cinematics Be?Because they are hidden through encryption, we don't yet know what we'll see in Patch 9.2, although we can make some educated guesses based on their length and the events that we know are happening in Eternity's End. We can also benefit from comparison to past cinematics, as things we are pretty likely to see tend to have similar times. For context, the final N'Zoth cinematic was 1:38, while the Sylvanas phase 1 interlude was about 30 seconds, and the Sanctum of Domination finale was ~2:30 — these times line up pretty close to the above file information, and while that alone isn't indicative of anything, it gives us a bit more basis for speculation.One of the cinematics will likely follow Anduin's defeat at the conclusion of the first week of Sepulcher raiding.
This is a big moment, as our quest to rescue the High King has been a priority since the beginning of the Shadowlands expansion, and we've frequently been told that he is the key to resisting and overcoming the Jailer's domination magic (despite, you know, having both Bolvar and Sylvanas on hand).Another will probably be a quest cinematic, following our defeat of Anduin, before we go after the Jailer in the second half of the raid.