We review Catch the Moon, a dexterity board game published by Kosmos. In Catch the Moon, players are trying to stack ladders on the structure without causing any to fall off.
Walking past the Kosmos booth at Gen Con this year, it was hard not to be captivated by their dexterity game Catch the Moon. These interlocking ladders are almost a work of abstract art and I’m sure there is a metaphor for one’s journey through life in here somewhere.
As a lifelong dexterity game fan, I was definitely intrigued to know more. Fast forward to this fall, and Kosmos Games kindly sent us a copy to check out. So let’s dive in and see what makes this one tick.
Catch the Moon can actually be played both cooperatively or competitively. However, both play pretty similar. On a player’s turn, they first roll the custom six-sided die. The face showing will determine how a new ladder must be added to the structure. The results will either be:
• The ladder must only touch one other ladder
• The ladder must touch exactly two ladders
• The ladder must become the highest point in the structure while touching one or two other ladders.
As a general rule, the ladder can’t touch the cloud or the table. The game also comes with seven raindrop tokens. If you fail to place your ladder correctly or cause a ladder to fall off the structure, your turn ends and you take a raindrop token. Once the last token is claimed the game ends and the player with the most tokens is the loser.
The cooperative game plays much in the same way. The difference is that you only have 5 raindrops, which you can spend for scoring opportunities of your structure. You compare your total score to a chart to see how well you did.
Overall Catch the Moon is a good game, albeit one I’m
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