In 2013, a BioShock Infinite dev gave NSFW fan artists some tips on how to make the clothes laying on the floors of their drawings more historically accurate. In 2023, she says she'd make that advice "so much hornier."
That dev is Claire Hummel, an artist who did concept work on BioShock Infinite, including the design of the Lutece Twins. She even has a neat little breakdown of that work on her personal portfolio site (opens in new tab), with some interesting notes about the design process. She's clearly got a lot of affection for Robert and Rosalind Lutece, which is why it shouldn't be too surprising to learn she was talking about fan art on Tumblr a decade ago.
But what might be more surprising is that this 2013 Tumblr post (opens in new tab) was all about encouraging homemade Rosalind porn to be more historically accurate. "I’m not one to discourage this sort of thing - no no, I have sketchbooks full of Remus/Sirius stuff from high school - but I figured I might as well give everyone a leg-up with a more detailed guide to Rosalind Lutece’s potential underthings," Hummel said. "I’ve seen a ton of drawings of her in corsets from a good 50 years before her time and I… I needed to step in."
This is all coming back around because Del Walker, a Naughty Dog character artist, was reminiscing about Hummel's old Tumblr post on social media recently. Hummel herself responded, saying "this would have been so much hornier had I drawn it in the year of our lord 2023! We’ve come a long way, baby."
this would have been so much hornier had I drawn it in the year of our lord 2023! We’ve come a long way, baby